Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dear Universe

I was recently told to be very careful with my words, as I often get what I ask for.  I was also reminded that when one speaks with wants and of needs ("I need, I want"), one gets wants and needs; I have found often far more of people come wanting and needing from me.  And so, without even asking, I was taught quickly a new way of inviting things into my life...and it goes a little something like this:

Thank you, Universe, for the opportunity to share kind words with those around me.  Thank you for the opportunity to teach when I can, share my energy with those that accept it, and the wisdom to know when to walk away.  Thank you for bringing to my life people who make me stronger, who make me feel safe in who I am, and who encourage me to grow.  

It's been a week since this life lesson, and I have to say, it's changed me.  It's changed my way of thinking, my way of speaking, and my way of changing the things I can.  As I drove to work today, I thought to myself, this is my opportunity to start something new to share. Nothing complicated, just daily affirmations, life lessons, and yes, sometimes pleading.  I have noticed a significant change in the way things unfold, and I can't help but smile inwardly, taking some sort of small responsibility.

"...you're sleeping better, you say?" and inwardly I say "your welcome", remembering last night's "Thank you Universe for providing restful peace and nourishment for his soul.  Thank you for restraint of restlessness..."  and I thank the Universe for tangible affirmations that assure me my efforts heard.

And so, my friends, welcome to Dear Universe. 

May the Universe bring to your life what you have brought into mine. Thank you for joining in this journey. 

p.s. Please don't think for one second that this will always be inspirational and froofy... but I do promise it will be filled with real life.  I say this because this morning, it sounded a lot like this in my head - "Thank you, Universe, for giving me the restraint I need to not slap the heck out of my daughter when she is frustrated -unknowingly to the rush of hormones that threatens to end me every single day.  Thank you for the patience to  teach her kind words when she needs them with sternness that brims her eyes with tears, knowing it is far more painful for me - though she'd never believe it."  

May your day be filled with a new way of thinking, and most of all, gratitude.

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